plugger66 wrote:Booing because you were upset with Goodes on Saturday night over a certain decision or some acting doesn't mean you are even slightly racist. Booing from the start to the end of the game for no apparent reason either means you are racist or have no compassion for another human as people were asked not to do it. The thing is I don't see how it helps those booers by doing that. All it does is make that person either racist or have no compassion. Which either of those 2 categories you fall into, it doesn't make you a nice person.
Booing does not mean your are a racist.
According to some on here, being told it was shameful, disgrace, etc etc.
Booing from the start to the end of the game for no apparent reason either means you are racist or have no compassion for another human as people were asked not to do it
Never said I did, but the "no apparent reason" isn't a true argument. There are multiple reasons why it can occur. You've listed two, racist and no compassion. There is more than that. People look back on past actions, the way they talk, act, behave.
I will not sit here and be labeled by Adam about how I'm apparently racist when I'm not. Him being the Judge and labeling everyone as racist was completely unfair and untrue, and as you would understand, will anger a lot of people. ... 44045201:0
On another note, I'll also boo Ormond for years to come
And I'll also boo Hodge, because he does dirty tactics on the field, there are multiple instances, and I want Hodge to come out and publically state I'm racist, to see how ridiculous this crap has become.